
Captive in the Middle: Navigating reinsurance risks and disputes

Thursday, February 13, 2025
15.00 - 16.45GMT
London, The St Botolph Building

Captive in the Middle: Navigating reinsurance risks and disputes

Thursday, February 13, 2025
15.00 - 16.45
London, The St Botolph Building

Captive insurance companies are an ever present and growing aspect of corporate risk management for large and complex insureds.

For insurers and reinsurers faced with a captive in their risk transfer chain, there are some practical, legal and commercial traps to avoid when handling claims. Our panel of sector experts will use a typical scenario to guide re/insurers through topical problems we encounter, including:

  • The underwriting exercise, disclosure and attribution of corporate knowledge;
  • Clauses to manage and confine risks and tensions for managing complex claims over longer insurance chains; and
  • Mitigating the litigation and credit risks where captives are sued or may go insolvent.

Please let us know in advance, via the RSVP link, if there are any particular topics you would like us to focus on.

The session will be followed by a drinks and canapé reception.

The seminar is geared towards colleagues specialising in claims which involve captives and/or those who have an interest in learning more about the risks posed by reinsuring captives.