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Ashura Mbarouk

Debt Recovery Specialist


Ashura Mbarouk

Ashura Mbarouk

Debt Recovery Specialist


Ashura Mbarouk

Ashura Mbarouk

Debt Recovery Specialist

Ashura is a Debt Recovery Specialist in our Dar es-Salaam office. She has several years of Pre-Litigation Debt Recovery experience.




Ashura is a Debt Recovery Specialist in our Dar es-Salaam office. She has several years of Pre-Litigation Debt Recovery experience.


Ashura Mbarouk is a Debt Recovery Specialist  in our Dar es Salaam office with several years of Pre-Litigation Debt Recovery experience.

Since joining Clyde & Co, Ashura has been dealing with the collection of internal debts as well as coordinating and supervising the provision of professional pre–litigation debt recovery across the Middle East and Africa for both local and international clients.

  • Acting on instructions from Prime Supplies Holdings Limited on debt collection matters in Kenya.
  • Acting on instructions from Euler Hermes on various debt collection matters in the Middle East and Africa.
  • Acting on instructions from Euler Hermes Recouvrement France on debt collection matters in Tanzania.
  • Acting on instructions from Nyota Tanzania Limited on various debt collection matters in Tanzania.
  • Acting on instructions from Asian Golden Rice and Skill Well Limited on debt collection matters in Ghana.
  • Acting on instructions from Zimmer Biomet on debt collection matters in Tanzania.
  • Acting on instructions from Export Credit Guarantee of Egypt on debt collection matters in Kenya.
  • Handling pre-litigation debt recovery cases for clients.
  • Reviewing documents to assess liability, identifying contract issues and making a determination as to recovery.
  • Using knowledge and initiative to reach amicable solutions to settling debts on behalf of clients.
  • Establishing repayment schedules and monitoring repayment of debts.


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