Infographic - Decarbonisation in Shipping Timelines for IMO and EU measures
Market Insight 14 April 2023 14 April 2023
Decarbonisation in the Shipping Industry
Focused on the urgent task of achieving a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping industry, there are various IMO and EU regulations which are due to come into force over the next few years with the aim of regulating and reducing shipping’s carbon footprint through various initiatives.
There are two IMO measures directed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships, these are the Energy Efficiency eXisting ship Index (EEXI), a one-off certification assessing the design, construction, and technical features of the ship; and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), an ongoing measure of how environmentally friendly a ship’s operations are.
Additionally the EU has set its own targets for decarbonisation in shipping, as part of “Fit for 55” (a package of proposals to revise and update EU legislation with the aim of meeting the EU’s target of climate neutrality by 2050). Its name refers to the intermediary goal of cutting emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (note that the 55% target is based on 1990 emissions levels).
For a better understanding of the key dates that apply to these critical measures, we have compiled the information in an infographic containing the various timelines. To access the infographic please click the below.
Infographic – IMO & EU Timelines
We provide a more in-depth introduction to these regulations here and we are running a podcast series addressing this these changes, you can listen to the podcast series here.