
Commercial Litigation

Should your issues develop into litigation, as one of the largest disputes firms in the world, our global group is adept at managing complex cross-border matters, where the stakes are high and often business critical.

A disputes powerhouse

Our recognition as a disputes powerhouse is one we're proud of - we understand the different ways a dispute can be resolved and are flexible enough to respond to the idiosyncrasies of each matter and our client’s needs as they develop. Our practice comprises over 400 litigators worldwide and, only in the UK, we conduct more commercial litigation than any other law firm. We are also ranked as the most active firm in claimant and defendant commercial litigation in the court of England & Wales.

We have the appropriate legal, project management and crisis management experience in respect of complex and technical litigation and have an established track record of working with clients to align case strategies with their overall commercial priorities and reputation management.

We provide the same level of rigor, experience and sensitivity regardless of the size and nature of the matter at hand. We act for a vast range of clients on the full spectrum of disputes ranging from disaster level events, through complex and high-value disputes and smaller, but nonetheless important, cases. We protect client interests during litigation in the courts, whilst always being mindful of the potential economic and publicity benefit in achieving early resolution where necessary. We understand the variety of challenges clients face on a day-to-day basis and are at the forefront of market developments.


  • All
  • UK & Europe
  • Cross-border contract dispute for insurer client

    Acting for a major insurer in a multi-million pound cross border contract dispute following the counterpartys material breach of contract, advising on the English law aspects and quarterbacking overall strategy in multiple strands of the case in France and England.

    United Kingdom

    Cross-border litigation involving fraud and breach of contract

    Acting for a major corporate in cross border litigation relating to fraud and breach of contract with total claims in excess of £1bn. Including handling breach of trust litigation is London with various ancillary freezing orders and overseeing Arbitrations and criminal proceedings in Italy and fraud claims in New York.

    United Kingdom

    Dispute concerning complex copyright infringement

    Acting for a software developer in a complex copyright infringement, breach of contract and confidential information claim which resulted in a lengthy trial in the Chancery Division of the High Court.

    United Kingdom

    Software dispute

    Successfully defending a software company in a dispute concerning the alleged misuse of confidential information, trade secrets and copyright.

    United Kingdom
  • Cross-border contract dispute for insurer client

    Acting for a major insurer in a multi-million pound cross border contract dispute following the counterpartys material breach of contract, advising on the English law aspects and quarterbacking overall strategy in multiple strands of the case in France and England.

    United Kingdom

    Cross-border litigation involving fraud and breach of contract

    Acting for a major corporate in cross border litigation relating to fraud and breach of contract with total claims in excess of £1bn. Including handling breach of trust litigation is London with various ancillary freezing orders and overseeing Arbitrations and criminal proceedings in Italy and fraud claims in New York.

    United Kingdom

    Dispute concerning complex copyright infringement

    Acting for a software developer in a complex copyright infringement, breach of contract and confidential information claim which resulted in a lengthy trial in the Chancery Division of the High Court.

    United Kingdom

    Software dispute

    Successfully defending a software company in a dispute concerning the alleged misuse of confidential information, trade secrets and copyright.

    United Kingdom

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Marko Kraljevic
Marko Kraljevic


Eric Olson
Eric Olson


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