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Hermonie Hui



Hermonie Hui

Hermonie Hui



Hermonie Hui

Hermonie Hui




  • Insurance



  • Commercial Disputes

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Hermonie mainly handles insurance litigation work including defending personal injury and employees' compensation claim for insurers, handling and defending claims under public liability, contractor's all risk, property fire and motor policy. She also regularly advises life and non-life insurer on policy-related matters such as coverage, double insurance, repudiation, indemnity and policy construction and interpretation.

Regional experience
Full Profile

Hermonie regularly acts for insurers in defending claims in relation to construction sites, offices, factory, traffic and public work accidents. She has experience in handling and advising on claims arising out of aviation and marine accident. Hermonie also advises on non-contentious matters such as life and general insurance issues including double insurance, contractual/policy indemnity clauses and repudiation of policy liability due to breach of policy terms and policy coverage/construction. She has been acting for a life insurer in defending fraudulent claim and claims with material non-disclosure issues. She has experience in advising on professional indemnity issues such as clause interpretation and policy coverage and acting as defence counsel for insureds.

  • Insurance claim - Acting for the insurer of a sub-contractor in relation to an EC claim. Advising on double insurance and contractual indemnity issue. Successfully sought the sub-contractor's principal/its insurer to take over the conduct and make 100% contribution.
  • Negligence claim - Successfully sought 100% recovery plus costs on indemnity basis for a public liability insurer for a water damage. The case involved issues on contributory negligence and legal points on nuisance.
  • Insurance policy - Reviewing and advising on the policy condition against the regulatory/legal framework in HK for a health insurance policy issued by an international healthcare group.
  • Insurance policy - Advising a life insurer on material non-disclosure issues, incontestability and exclusion clauses.
  • Service agreement issues - Advising on the interpretation of an indemnity clause in a service agreement for the provision of cleaning services in respect of an injury claim by a passenger in the Hong Kong International Airport.
  • Accident claim - Acting for the insurer of a property manager of a shopping mall in respect of an injury claim. Advising on contribution issue against co-defendant. Successfully obtained co-defendant’s agreement to contribute 100% to the Plaintiff’s claim and costs.
  • Personal injury claim - Handling a personal injury claim for the plaintiff assigned by DLA arising out of an accident on board of an MV. Claim amount exceeded HKD 10 million.
  • Personal injury claim - Acting for the insurer in relation to multiple personal injury claims in a lift accident involving highly complicated and technical issues. Pleaded claim exceeded HKD 14 million.


  • Insurance



  • Commercial Disputes