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Witold Szpek



Witold Szpek

Witold Szpek


Witold Szpek is an Associate in Clyde & Co’s Warsaw office with experience in energy law matters, specialising in energy regulatory issues.

Regional experience

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Profile & Experience

Witold Szpek is an Associate in Clyde & Co’s Warsaw office with experience in energy law matters, specialising in energy regulatory issues.

Regional experience
Full Profile

Witold Szpek is an Associate in the Energy and Natural Resources team in Clyde & Co’s Warsaw office since 1 January 2024.

He works on energy law matters, especially focusing on regulatory issues in the energy sector, and specialises in providing investment advice to operators in the renewable energy sector (RES).  He is involved in due diligence reviews and providing transactional assistance mostly for windfarm and photovoltaic projects, particularly in regards to connection to grid, and contractual and regulatory issues.  Witold participates in projects involving the financing of RES projects, as well as sales and acquisitions of renewable energy installations and shares in project companies.  He also provides legal support in regard to the conclusion of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

  • Advising GoldenPeaks Capital on securing financing provided by BayernLB for two new solar farm portfolios in Poland with the total capacity of 157 MW. 
  • Advising on the sale of SFW ENERGIA Sp. z o. o., owned by Iqona GmBH, a subsidiary of the German energy concern STEAG GmbH, for Remondis - an international leader in the waste processing and recycling market.
  • Advising in the process of concluding of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in Poland as well as on other energy markets in Europe.
  • Advising on ongoing regulatory issues in the photovoltaic and wind farms projects.
  • Taking part in the legal due diligence of numerous renewable energy projects both for the purpose of financing and in relation to M&A transactions.


  • Energy & Natural Resources

  • Infrastructure