Soins de santé

Le groupe de pratique en soins de santé de Clyde & Co est reconnu pour sa connaissance approfondie de l’industrie. Il offre un éventail de services juridiques dans les secteurs public et privé ainsi que des services relatifs aux enquêtes, à la représentation, à la réglementation professionnelle, à la responsabilité du fait des produits, aux sciences pharmaceutiques et aux sciences de la vie.

Nous prenons le pouls des soins de santé

Nos avocats prodiguent des conseils à une vaste gamme de clients dans le secteur des soins de santé, dont des hôpitaux, des établissements de soins, des ministères de la santé, des assureurs, des exploitants, des investisseurs, des ordres professionnels, des organismes de réglementation, des compagnies pharmaceutiques et des organisations de sciences de la vie.

Cette clientèle diversifiée nous permet de comprendre les variations dans la législation, la réglementation et la pratique en matière de soins de santé dans différents territoires et marchés.

Nous surveillons les tendances et les innovations ainsi que les facteurs qui motivent les politiques gouvernementales, en nous assurant constamment que nos connaissances sont complètes et à jour.

Notre équipe qui se consacre aux fautes médicales se spécialise dans le conseil concernant tout type de litige dans le secteur de la santé, dont ceux qui découlent du traitement de patients. Nous pouvons également prodiguer des conseils rapides et avisés en matière de réglementation, de résolution de différends, d’arbitrage et d’enjeux liés à l’emploi.

Nous avons aussi de l’expérience dans des domaines tels que la responsabilité du fait des produits, le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, l’homologation des médicaments et les transactions transfrontalières, particulièrement dans les marchés émergents.

Notre réseau mondial d’avocats travaille comme une seule et même équipe dans toutes les disciplines juridiques, et elle compte une expertise particulière au Royaume-Uni, en Asie-Pacifique et au Moyen-Orient.

Clyde & Co a l’une des pratiques en soins de santé les plus actives du Moyen-Orient grâce à ses importantes capacités qui couvrent une vaste gamme de services juridiques. Étant l’un des rares cabinets à offrir des services juridiques véritablement complets, notre combinaison de compétences, d’expertise et d’expérience de même que notre réseau de relations nous permettent de nous poser en tant que guichet unique pour tous les besoins juridiques des clients du secteur des soins de santé dans la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique. Comme nous sommes établis aux Émirats arabes unis depuis plus de 25 ans, nous sommes très au fait des nuances des lois et règlements locaux ainsi que de leur réelle application (ou non-application) par les autorités.

Parmi notre clientèle du Moyen-Orient dans le secteur des soins de santé, on retrouve des sociétés financières privées spécialisées dans les investissements en soins de santé, des propriétaires et des exploitants d’hôpitaux, des compagnies pharmaceutiques, des compagnies d’assurance, des organisations de sciences de la vie, des fournisseurs et des distributeurs dans le secteur des soins de santé, des ministères de la santé, des organismes de réglementation et des ordres professionnels.

Notre équipe expérimentée d’Australie conseille les assureurs comme les assurés sur des questions qui peuvent influer tant sur les professionnels de la santé que sur les établissements médicaux, telles que les fautes médicales, les indemnités professionnelles, la responsabilité civile professionnelle, la résolution de litiges et de différends, la responsabilité civile publique, la responsabilité du fait des produits, les violations informatiques et de données, la réglementation et les enquêtes ainsi que l’emploi et les relations de travail.

Nous fournissons ainsi aux clients nationaux et internationaux les services précis et sur mesure dont ils ont besoin. Nous sommes disponibles au moment et à l’endroit requis pour les aider à faire face aux défis et à tirer le meilleur parti des occasions qui se présentent à eux.

Notre travail dans le secteur des soins de santé

  • Tout
  • Afrique
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Asie-Pacifique
  • Moyen-Orient
  • Royaume-Uni et Europe
  • Arbitration proceedings regarding the acquisition of a medical facility

    Advising a Saudi company in relation to arbitration proceedings before the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, arising from a memorandum of association for the acquisition of a medical facility.


    Advising Adenia Capital on its acquisition of Africa Biosystems Limited

    Advising private equity firm Adenia Capital on its acquisition of Africa Biosystems Limited in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


    Investment into one of the largest private hospitals in Greece

    Advising the founders of one of the largest private hospitals in Greece in relation to an investment by CVC Capital Partners. 


    MBO of marketing consultancy firm specialising in pharmaceuticals and health care for £20m

    Advising the founders and the Company in relation to the sale of the Company to an experienced management team to tackle the next stage of growth.

    United Kingdom

    £20m management buyout of marketing consultancy firm specialising in pharmaceuticals and health care

    Advising the founders and the Company in relation to the sale of the Company to an experienced management team.

    United Kingdom

    Investment into one of the largest private hospitals in Greece

    Advising the founders of one of the largest private hospitals in Greece in relation to an investment by CVC Capital Partners. 

    United Kingdom

    Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Municipalities

    Advising in respect of international health and safety standards in other jurisdictions, preparing a gap analysis report against the legislation currently in place and drafting proposed health and safety legislation

    United Arab Emirates

    Abu Dhabi health authority terms of reference

    Advising on the terms of reference for Abu Dhabi Health Authority’s disciplinary committee for medical professionals which involved considering applicable federal and Abu Dhabi laws and regulations and examining best practice internationally

    United Arab Emirates

    AED 66 million acquisition of polyclinics

    Advising a UAE based healthcare provider on the acquisition of 3 polyclinics in Dubai and Sharjah for AED 66 million including franchising/branding arrangements

    United Arab Emirates

    Aged care cyber risk review

    Advising a large non-profit aged care organisation on a comprehensive cyber risk review encompassing over 1,200 individuals sites.

  • Arbitration proceedings regarding the acquisition of a medical facility

    Advising a Saudi company in relation to arbitration proceedings before the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration, arising from a memorandum of association for the acquisition of a medical facility.


    Advising Adenia Capital on its acquisition of Africa Biosystems Limited

    Advising private equity firm Adenia Capital on its acquisition of Africa Biosystems Limited in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


    Withdrawal of a Claim Brought Against a Paediatrician

    Securing the withdrawal of a claim brought against a paediatrician in 2005, after he had been sued by the parents of a child born with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE).

    In broad terms, the parents of the child alleged that although the child had suffered a primary brain injury as a result of an hypoxic insult sustained during labour and delivery, this injury was exacerbated by substandard treatment rendered to the infant in the weeks following her birth by the paediatrician...

    South Africa
  • Cardiac stent migration claims

    Securing a defence verdict and multiple summary judgments for a global leader in cardiology and endovascular devices in multiple "migration" of cardiac stent claims

    United States

    International distribution arrangements for US domiciled company

    Advising a US pharmaceutical company on the organisation, structure, documentation and compliance of its proposed distribution arrangements for a product across the Middle East

    United States

    International core brand anti-counterfeiting claim

    Successfully undertaking anti-counterfeiting work for a US drug company relating to one of its core brands in several Middle Eastern jurisdictions.  This included project managing the activities of client representatives from three continents, investigative teams from the UK and the Middle East, local lawyers, government authorities and police in all relevant jurisdictions

    United States
  • Recall of medical devices

    Acted in a coverage dispute in relation to the recall of medical devices that were the subject of a suspension directive issued by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.


    Delayed diagnosis

    Acted in relation to an emergency department delayed diagnosis and treatment of cerebral haemorrhage in 19 year old resulting in the patient becoming locked in and subsequently in an 80-90% vegetative state.


    Defence of discrimination proceedings

    Acted for a hospital and its directors in the defence of discrimination proceedings which also allege breach of contract, brought by a senior doctor.


    Coronial cases

    Acted in a number of coronial cases including delayed diagnosis for cardiac ischaemia, release of patient with history of psychiatric disorder resulting in a suicide; and death of patient from cardiac problems following surgery.


    Aged care cyber risk review

    Advising a large non-profit aged care organisation on a comprehensive cyber risk review encompassing over 1,200 individuals sites.


    Perth Children's Hospital construction disputes

    Acting for a global construction contractor on a number of multi-million dollar downstream disputes in relation to the Construction Contract Act 2004 (WA) with its subcontractors in respect to the Perth Children’s Hospital, including expert determination, acting in an arbitration and a number of interlocutory disputes in the Supreme Court of Western Australia.


    International USD 350m strategic collaboration

    Advising FibroGen on the China aspects of its USD 350 million strategic collaboration with AstraZeneca to develop and commercialise FG-4592, a first-in-class oral compound for the treatment of anaemia associated with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease in late stages of development


    Pharmaceutical compliance

    Advising international pharmaceutical companies on their compliance with anti-monopoly and other People's Republic of China regulatory requirements related to recently acquired equity interests in healthcare companies located in mainland China


    Establishment of R&D centre in Shanghai for GlaxoSmithKline

    Advising on the structuring and establishment of GlaxoSmithKline’s R&D Centre in Shanghai, as well as on all employment issues and documentation, compliance and corporate governance issues, and employee inventor remuneration issues and implementation of a formal scheme


    Cardinal Health

    Acting in a CIETAC arbitration in Beijing in relation to a claim for breach of confidentiality arising from an alleged misuse of technology

  • Qatar Ministry of Public Health

    Advising Qatar Ministry of Public Health on the structure and implementation of the National Health Insurance Scheme for Qatar, including drafting enabling laws and regulations in Arabic.


    International insurer

    Acting for international insurer providing regulatory report in relation to insurance, brokering, TPA and reinsurance requirements in Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia

    GCC government Social Health Insurance Project

    Advising the project team for in connection with its mandate to evaluate its health funding system and come up with proposals for reform and thereafter advising on the introduction of the Social Health Insurance Scheme, including drafting the requisite legislation and implementing regulations

    Saudi Arabia

    VPS Healthcare's aquisition of London International Hospital Limited

    Advising VPS Healthcare (one of the UAE’s largest healthcare owner/operators) in relation to the acquisition of London International Hospital Limited which owns Ravenscourt Park Hospital (formerly called the Royal Masonic Hospital).

    United Arab Emirates

    NMC Health's US$160.6 million all-cash acquisition of ProVita International Medical Center

    Advising NMC Health on its strategic US$160.6 million all-cash acquisition of ProVita International Medical Center, with the aim of expanding its footprint in the long-term care segment.

    United Arab Emirates

    NMC Health's US$ 189 million acquisition of a 51% shareholding in Fakih IVF Group

    Advising NMC Health, the UAE's largest healthcare provider, on a US$189 million acquisition of a 51% shareholding in Fakih IVF Group.

    United Arab Emirates

    Varkey Groups sale of stake in Emirates Healthcare Holdings

    Advising the Varkey Group on the sale of its stake in Emirates Healthcare Holdings to Mediclinic International, an international private hospital group listed on the JSE for a cash consideration of approximately USD 223.6 million

    United Arab Emirates

    Restructuring and recapitalisation following shareholder sale

    Advising a UAE based healthcare provider on the restructuring of its business involving the sale of shares and commercial interests in the company by two shareholders and the AED 100 million recapitalisation of the company which included an investment of AED 44 million by J.P. Morgan

    United Arab Emirates

    Global conglomerate's USD 8bn global acquisition

    Advising a global conglomerate on the acquisition of a diagnostics and point of care business, operating in seven countries in the Middle East as part of a global acquisition worth in excess of USD 8 billion

    United Arab Emirates

    Abu Dhabi and Al Ain Municipalities

    Advising in respect of international health and safety standards in other jurisdictions, preparing a gap analysis report against the legislation currently in place and drafting proposed health and safety legislation

    United Arab Emirates
  • Investment into one of the largest private hospitals in Greece

    Advising the founders of one of the largest private hospitals in Greece in relation to an investment by CVC Capital Partners. 


    MBO of marketing consultancy firm specialising in pharmaceuticals and health care for £20m

    Advising the founders and the Company in relation to the sale of the Company to an experienced management team to tackle the next stage of growth.

    United Kingdom

    £20m management buyout of marketing consultancy firm specialising in pharmaceuticals and health care

    Advising the founders and the Company in relation to the sale of the Company to an experienced management team.

    United Kingdom

    Investment into one of the largest private hospitals in Greece

    Advising the founders of one of the largest private hospitals in Greece in relation to an investment by CVC Capital Partners. 

    United Kingdom

    Insurance coverage for PIP implants

    Representing a product liability insurer of a chain of private hospitals specialising in providing cosmetic surgery, including breast implants, in regards to claims from patients who had been given the French-made PIP implants. These implants received extensive media coverage when it was discovered that they had been filled with non-medical-grade silicone, thought to be of a type used to make mattresses.


    USD 105 million product disposal and acquisition for Almirall

    Acting on the USD 105 million disposal of eight non-core products to the Spanish company, Almirall, also on the EUR 50 million acquisition of a leading ADHD product


    Dedicated to the public health sector in the UK

    Appointment to the legal framework for the NHS Commercial Alliance, a strategic partnership between NHS Commercial Solutions and The East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub that is  designed to provide significant procurement benefits for NHS trusts across the east and south east of England. The appointment is to provide advice across all areas of healthcare law, employment and healthcare projects demonstrating the breadth of Clyde & Co's healthcare practice.

    United Kingdom

    GBP 361 million Fit for the Future Project

    Acting for the hard and soft services provider on the FM services for two new hospitals in the Stoke-on-Trent area under the North Staffordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

    United Kingdom

    Supply of defective equipment

    Acting for an insurer and its insured (a medical equipment supplier) following allegations that defective equipment had been supplied to clients. We assessed liability at an early stage of the matter, and defended the claim which was subsequently discontinued. Our clients received their costs back on an indemnity basis. 

    United Kingdom

    Precedent setting case regarding disclosure

    Representing a Mental Health Trust at the first hearing before the Upper Tier (Health, Education and Social Care Chamber) Tribunal in relation to disclosure of information, this decision provided guidance to all Mental Health Organisations in relation to disclosure of third party information to patients' solicitors

    United Kingdom

Trouver un expert en soins de santé

Nora Al Muhamad
Nora Al Muhamad


Ahmed Alhudaithi
Ahmed Alhudaithi


Mohamed Barakat
Mohamed Barakat

Managing Partner – Cairo

Roshanak Bassiri Gharb
Roshanak Bassiri Gharb


Duncan Batchelor
Duncan Batchelor


Neil Beresford
Neil Beresford


Richard Berkahn
Richard Berkahn


Jason Bleasdale
Jason Bleasdale


Isabel Burón
Isabel Burón


Wim Cilliers
Wim Cilliers


Laura Coates
Laura Coates


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