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Tony Hardie



Tony Hardie

Tony Hardie



Tony Hardie

Tony Hardie




  • Assurance et réassurance

  • Pratiques professionnelles



  • Arbitrage international

  • Différends commerciaux

  • Droit de l’environnement

  • Projets et construction

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Tony advises insurance clients in avoiding and resolving disputes over the entire insurance spectrum from regulatory issues to policy coverage to subrogated defences and on all classes of business.

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Tony specialises in general insurance litigation and advises clients across all insurance lines with a special focus on property and assets, including subrogated recoveries and defences, coverage advice and policy review.

Tony is currently the Managing Partner of Clyde & Co South Africa.  He has serviced the South African insurance industry for over 30 years, representing insurers, re-insurers, brokers, UMAs, regulatory bodies and associations.

Tony understands the challenges facing the local insurance and reinsurance market and is best placed to assist clients in overcoming them. His practice focuses on contentious and non-contentious insurance work in the areas of property and assets, product liability, professional indemnity, financial lines, commercial fraud and public liability .

Tony has handled claims across every line of insurance and reinsurance business including large and complex claims. His local knowledge coupled with his international expertise enables an unequalled ability to advise clients in relation to multijurisdictional disputes.

Tony is described as having "high level of skills and experience" in Chambers and Partners 2020.

  • Advising an insurer with regards to the largest fire loss in South Africa to date.
  • Advising an international insurer on policy cover for damage caused to an insured building following an eviction, after the building was hijacked by politically motivated criminals.
  • Advising an insurer on policy response under an assets policy, including reinstatement, loss mitigation, business interruption losses, insurable interest of customers' product and warehouse insurance cover following a forklift accident.
  • Advising with regards to a fire at paper mill, where the claim exceeded R500 million and the issues involved difficult questions of Business Interruption.
  • Advising the insurance industry on the potential complete shut down of electrical supply from Eskom.
  • Advising on claim brought by insurer against its Bankers Bond Policy.


  • Assurance et réassurance

  • Pratiques professionnelles



  • Arbitrage international

  • Différends commerciaux

  • Droit de l’environnement

  • Projets et construction
